Cérémonie d'ouverture de l'UPSkill ! Postulez pour le programme !
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Cérémonie d'ouverture de l'UPSkill ! Postulez pour le programme !

Our team is engaged in making Portugal more competitive, by investing in people and programs that promote Digital alongside social responsibility. As members of UPSkill, a Portuguese program created by APDC, IEFP and CCISP, and sponsored by the Portuguese Government, Unipartner is committed to supporting the reskilling of professionals and creating new career opportunities in the ICT industry.

Last October 19th, took place the Opening Ceremony of UPSkill. Fernando Reino da Costa and Francisco Gomes joined the event, alongside leaders such as André de Aragão Azevedo, State Secretary for Digital Transition in Portugal, Hernâni Dias, President of Câmara Municipal de Bragança, as well as João Sobrinho Teixeira, State Secretary for Science, Technology and Higher Education, Isabel Ferreira, State Secretary for the Inland and Miguel Cabrita, Adjunct State Secretary for Work and Professional Training.

Fernando a été invité à une table ronde où il a partagé la vision d'Unipartner et son engagement envers le programme UPSkill. " Il s'agit d'une opportunité clé pour soutenir la croissance d'Unipartner. Nous nous engageons auprès de 68 candidats, qui auront la chance de rejoindre une équipe formidable qui utilise l'innovation numérique pour faire la différence", a déclaré le PDG d'Unipartner.

UPSkill is now open to receive new candidates. Apply here: https://upskill.pt/candidatos/

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