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Get all the insights from our Security Immersion: Shadow Hunter workshop!

The Microsoft Security Immersion: Shadow Hunter workshop delivered by the Unipartner Modern Workplace & Security team was a full hands-on experience. There was a gamification throughout the whole workshop with interactive quizzes and even a Q&A session with the specialists delivering the session.

We thank the large number of organizations, like ADSE, BIAL, Banco Montepio and Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, that joined us for this workshop.

Participants had the chance to find out more about how Microsoft tools powered by Artificial Intelligence can work with your whole hybrid/multicloud ecosystem to minimize other potential security risks.

Before the game began, participants were talked though the “anatomy of a cyber-attack” to understand the signs of a breach and how it propagates, how to investigate an attack and the many consequences it can have on organizations.

Then, the simulation started! Participants worked as cybersecurity analysts, and they had to defend their fictional organization from a cyberattack. They were faced a hacker that gained access to their organization’s network in order to get to confidential information. So, they investigated their way through identifying vulnerabilities and getting to the root of the attack in order to stop any more systems from falling.

The winner of the game even took home a Unipartner prize!

We can help you participate in a hands-on experience like this, facilitate one in your organization or even support you to create a cybersecurity plan/roadmap. Contact us at contact@unipartner.com.

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